Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How Did I Miss This??

In the hubbub of reworking this blog, working on a different one (under a different name), looking for a "real" job and readjusting to life in North Carolina, I completely missed the news that Robert Jordan died on September 16.

James Oliver Rigney, Jr. (Robert Jordan's real name) was the author of my favorite Fantasy series - The Wheel of Time. Click here for his official blog. Or follow the link the in side bar.

Wow. I just don't know what to say. Sadly my first thought was Did he finish the series?? Not exactly a sympathetic and selfless reaction. I hope he accomplished in this life what he wanted and that his friends and family are coping well.

Perhaps I'll re-read the series in his honor. Rest in Peace, Jim, may you write as many novels as you wish too, in your next life.

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